Dear Members,
56th Annual General Assembly (AGA): The 2025 Interline Celebration
As previously advised, the 56th AGA will be held from 1–5 October 2025 at the Radisson Blu Resort, St. Julian's, on the island Malta. The package cost has been established at USD 1,150.00 per person based on double occupancy with an early bird discount cost of USD 1,100.00 if paid in full by 31 March. The single occupancy supplement is USD 400.00. The comprehensive brochure and the registration form can be found in the Events section of the WACA website.
Additional Nights
For any participant wishing to take an additional night(s) prior to or following the 56th AGA, an arrangement has been made with the Radisson Blu Resort for bed and breakfast at a special rate per night of USD 120.00 per person double occupancy and USD 215.00 single occupancy. Reservations at these rates must be made by WACA so please send your additional night(s) request to Lucie Forget who will make the booking on your behalf: Payment should be sent to WACA in the same way as shown on page 10 of the 56th AGA brochure.
Pre- and Post AGA Tours
Pre- and post-AGA tour options are being researched and will be communicated to you in due course.
Has WACA changed your life? It certainly has ours!
In the early 1980s, my eldest daughter, Nicola, and I worked for CP Air in Vancouver and were members of WACA. At that time, the members were mainly a young group of active employees, and each year, the club organized a pageant in Miami, Florida. Most clubs worldwide chose a girl from their members to send to Florida with all expenses paid; the event was held at the prestigious Eden Roc Hotel on Miami Beach. In 1983, Nicola attended the three-day event as Miss Vancouver Interline. While attending the pageant, she met a young attorney, and after an engaging cross-border romance, they were married. Forty years later, they still live in Florida with their three grown children!
My wife and I enjoyed travelling the world until an unexpected turn of events, shortly after my retirement 28 years ago from Canadian Airlines, curtailed her ability to fly and travel. After many years of travelling alone and seeking to reestablish old and new friendships, I rejoined WACA and the Vancouver Interline Club! A few years later, my daughter Nicola did the same. By 2022, we had become well acquainted with the club members and enjoyed many of their local events. When we had the opportunity to attend the 54th WACA AGA in Jordan and Egypt, we jumped at this opportunity to visit such an incredible part of the world. Our “Trip of a Lifetime” did indeed surpass all our expectations. It was wonderful to see and feel the warmth and camaraderie of the members of many races and religious beliefs from the many airline clubs around the globe; this impressed us very much!
We again reconnected with the fantastic WACA team at the AGA in Mauritius in 2024 and hope to attend this year’s meeting in Malta! Below are some pictures of our times in WACA.
My wife and I have documented our amazing life together in our book “Our Fine Romance”, available from Amazon, together with an e-book and audiobook!
Regards, Michael Harbott.
Membership Messages
“Membership Messages” are sent out on a regular basis to WACA Member Clubs, Members-at-Large and other individuals closely connected to WACA. Recipients in Member Clubs are requested to forward these messages to all members of their respective Club or direct their members to the News and Press Releases section of WACA's website where the messages are posted:
If any WACA member has anything they would like to contribute to the next “Membership Message”, please send the information to the attention of the WACA Administration Manager at the e-mail address shown below.
Yours in interlining,
Keith Miller
WACA Administration Manager
World Airlines Clubs Association
Telephone: +1 514-636-9504