Dear Members,
53rd Annual General Assembly (AGA): The 2022 Interline Celebration, Bali, Indonesia
Current Entry Requirements
As international travel around the world begins to return to more “normal” levels, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia has opened its border for tourism without any quarantine restrictions upon arrival for fully COVID-19 vaccinated travellers. The requirement to show a negative result of COVID-19 PCR test taken prior to departure for Indonesia has also been lifted for fully COVID-19 vaccinated travellers.
More good news for the membership is that the Government of the Republic of Indonesia has now introduced a “Visa on Arrival (VOA) for Foreign Travellers” for citizens of many countries. Specific details can be found by clicking the following link:
Pre-AGA Tour: Java Grand Tour (9–16 October)
The heart of the nation, Java is a complex island of great antiquity: this, after all, is where ancient Java Man stood upright and walked abroad. It is one of the Indonesian islands that's gaining popularity due to its amazing volcanoes, fantastic temples and breathtaking landscape. Java has it all. Space is still available on this tour.
AGA Package (16–21 October)
Bali is unique. Bali is unmatched. There is no other place like Bali in this world. A magical blend of culture, people, nature, activities, weather, culinary delights, nightlife and beautiful accommodation. Each year Bali is rated as one of the best travel destinations in the world by countless websites, review portals and travel magazines. Whatever your age, background, interest; there is something great for everyone to explore and discover. Space is still available at this very special AGA location.
Post-AGA Tour: Komodo National Park: Land of the Dragons (21–24 October)
The tour continues to be sold out and a waiting list has been put in place.
Detailed itineraries and registration forms for all of the above events can be found on the WACA website:
Termination of Membership
Most regretfully we received notification that the Airlines Club Frankfurt e.V. has found it necessary to terminate its membership in the World Airlines Clubs Association on 30 June after so many years of loyal membership. We wish all its members well and hope that some of them will join the WACA family as Members-at-Large.
The Airline Club of Singapore has advised of the sad passing of WACA Member of Honour, Ratnasabapathy Sivanandam. Well known to so many in WACA, the “Lion of Singapore” was a Past President of the Airline Club of Singapore representing the Club at numerous AGAs as well as being an Assistant to the Regional Vice President of the Far East and Australasia Region. Siva, as he was affectionately known, was very instrumental in the organisation of the most successful 20th AGA held in Singapore in 1987 where more than 700 delegates and observers attended.
Yours in interlining,
Keith Miller
WACA Administration Manager
World Airlines Clubs Association
Telephone: +1 438-258-3243